Wednesday, October 7, 2009

40 Minute Vibrator Hunt

Toddler who loves cellphone + cellphone always on vibrate so it doesn't wake toddler = Lost Cellphone = Mommy on the floor, dialing her cell phone number repeatedly, straining to hear the vibration. 

Only took 40 minutes to find the thing.



2Wired2Tired said...

Great title! I just had to read! Glad you finally found your phone, they make them so small these days it is difficult to find them when the kids "hide" them on you.

Laura Marchant said...

Um I wasn't quite sure what to expect with that title, lol

Motherhood for the Weak said...

I know! I had a hard time coming up with a title. So tongue-in-cheek innuendo was the best I could do!


Jenners said...

I bet you get a bunch of pervs based on the title of this post!! Won't they be disappointed!

Robin said...

Hilarious. I second the "pervs coming to your site" comment. I put "sluts" in the title of one of my blog posts and "pantyhose" is in the body of another one. You would not believe the search terms people enter that inadvertently (and probably disappointingly) land them on my site.

My favorite is "University of Wisconsin sluts" and also "grandmas in pantyhose." Ah, the internet.

How are things lately? You sure got some cute little ones, there.